Sunday, November 23, 2008

Trickle Down Economics

Let's take a look at "trickle down" if a person rich or poor spends money, someone benefits, but let's look at it from the top down. Some wealthy person owns their own business or multi businesses and employs x number of people. Those employees pay taxes and spend money on all the necessary life expenses and someone else makes their income from that money. Also rich guy may own a home or two or three, and when he buys a home or a car, money exchanges hands more taxes get paid and income earned and so on. What about maintenance on his house and cars? Painting, roofing, carpet cleaning and floor care, house keeping and for the cars auto mechanic, car wash, tires. The list goes on and on, so I really don't think anyone should be upset when the rich get richer, because they are most likely to spend more of it and have a positive financial impact. All the companies that help maintain the possessions of the wealthy receive a benefit and in turn employ others who also spend money and pay taxes. So, a wealthy person automatically redistributes wealth every time he spends money. The creation of wealth is the reason why most people have a job in the first place. Companies don't start out of thin air, they are started and run by people, and if they are successful companies, someone might have become wealthy because of it. That wealth is spent and maybe that rich guy decides to start another company and the cycle of trickle down starts all over again, so thank some rich guy for the fact that you even have a job. All of the places you spend your money, someone is making money. You are supporting someone’s job and business. The economy runs well when we spend money, the more we spend the more everyone benefits. TRICKLE DOWN DOES TRICKLE DOWN. It is an economic fact, even if the rich get richer and poor get poorer, money still flows from the top to the bottom. I didn’t even cover all the ways the flow of money can impact the local economy where a businesses are located. If an area has businesses, it has employees who spend money on food, housing, transportation, entertainment and so many other things. So think about the benefits of big business improving income for many other smaller businesses nearby. This is not only done by creating and keeping jobs, many businesses do business with each other and this improves the economic situation for everyone, so go spend some money.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Pesident (and the winner is...)

Well, the world now knows who the next us president will be. Barack Obama has been elected, now we as a nation, must hold him to his word. What I mean is just because somebody says they are going to do certain things, it is really no guarantee they will. (especially politicians) I'm not saying we have to agree with everything he stands for, but whether or not you voted for him, he will be in in the Oval Office in Jan. 2009. This great country can weather any storm if we pull together as a nation and do what is best for America. If Obama does a good job he will most likely be re-elected, and if he does not, we can vote for the other candidate in 2012.

Our great nation has been beat up a bit lately, the economic situation and an unpopular war in Iraq has left us feeling torn and tattered. So I'm hoping that this historic election result will restore the confidence of my fellow citizens, so we can thrive once again. Lack of confidence is at the core of our poor situation and a driving force in a bad economy, so go spend some money!! The President can only do so much, it is up to us to get this country we call home, back on the right track. We can make this happen by getting involved, write or call your congress-person, share your ideas and feelings. We can make a difference!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election 2008

As I write we don't yet know who the next U.S. President will be and to be honest I wish it was neither one of them. I don't trust either one of them. Not to brag, but I feel I've always had a good sense of people and both of those guys bug me in different ways. I won't go in to details, I'm just stating a feeling. Lucky for us we get to elect someone else in four years if we are not happy. But what's up with Congress? It seems Reps and Senators get to stay way too long. Our two CA Senators have been in Congress for a long time and I don't care for them much either.

I recently saw a 20/20 report that showed how difficult it is to replace an incumbent Congress-person. There are way too many hoops to jump through just to follow all the law required to campaign against them, it is ridiculous! That same report also discussed how too much government interference can do much more harm than good. Our governmental agencies at all levels can in many cases pass so many laws trying to fix a problem, it will often create a different one. This is the law of unintended consequences.

I am also convinced that most people vote on initiatives or measure they don't entirely understand, and this also causes unintended consequences. Many times the laws are written with so much stuff hidden some where in all the pages most voters don't read or understand what they get with some of their votes.

Well, by this time tomorrow night we will most likely know the results of our national and local elections, good luck to all the candidates and God BLESS AMERICA!!!