Monday, November 3, 2008

Election 2008

As I write we don't yet know who the next U.S. President will be and to be honest I wish it was neither one of them. I don't trust either one of them. Not to brag, but I feel I've always had a good sense of people and both of those guys bug me in different ways. I won't go in to details, I'm just stating a feeling. Lucky for us we get to elect someone else in four years if we are not happy. But what's up with Congress? It seems Reps and Senators get to stay way too long. Our two CA Senators have been in Congress for a long time and I don't care for them much either.

I recently saw a 20/20 report that showed how difficult it is to replace an incumbent Congress-person. There are way too many hoops to jump through just to follow all the law required to campaign against them, it is ridiculous! That same report also discussed how too much government interference can do much more harm than good. Our governmental agencies at all levels can in many cases pass so many laws trying to fix a problem, it will often create a different one. This is the law of unintended consequences.

I am also convinced that most people vote on initiatives or measure they don't entirely understand, and this also causes unintended consequences. Many times the laws are written with so much stuff hidden some where in all the pages most voters don't read or understand what they get with some of their votes.

Well, by this time tomorrow night we will most likely know the results of our national and local elections, good luck to all the candidates and God BLESS AMERICA!!!

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