Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Pesident (and the winner is...)

Well, the world now knows who the next us president will be. Barack Obama has been elected, now we as a nation, must hold him to his word. What I mean is just because somebody says they are going to do certain things, it is really no guarantee they will. (especially politicians) I'm not saying we have to agree with everything he stands for, but whether or not you voted for him, he will be in in the Oval Office in Jan. 2009. This great country can weather any storm if we pull together as a nation and do what is best for America. If Obama does a good job he will most likely be re-elected, and if he does not, we can vote for the other candidate in 2012.

Our great nation has been beat up a bit lately, the economic situation and an unpopular war in Iraq has left us feeling torn and tattered. So I'm hoping that this historic election result will restore the confidence of my fellow citizens, so we can thrive once again. Lack of confidence is at the core of our poor situation and a driving force in a bad economy, so go spend some money!! The President can only do so much, it is up to us to get this country we call home, back on the right track. We can make this happen by getting involved, write or call your congress-person, share your ideas and feelings. We can make a difference!!

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